Valentine’s Day is one of the most popular holidays in the year-especially for those in relationships. It’s a great excuse to remind your partner how much you love and appreciate them. With so many options when it comes to celebrating the special day, it’s important not to forget that steakhouses in Rouse Hill make an incredible date night.
Whilst in today’s world we use Valentines Day as an excuse to buy our significant other gifts and take them to dinner (a steakhouse in Rouse Hill is a great option), this was not always the case. Interestingly, the holiday began in Ancient Rome and was originally known as Lupercalia. Although there are many differences between Valentine’s Day in our society and Lupercalia celebrated by the Romans, both holidays fall in mid February.
Unlike Valentine’s Day, Lupercalia did not explicitly celebrate love; instead it was based around praising fertility. Despite this, historians state that the Ancient Roman holiday did involve a ritual in which men and women were paired up by choosing names from a jar.
The story behind Lupercalia evolving into Valentine’s Day is quite intriguing and there are a range of different accounts. However, the most well known surrounds the tale of Saint Valentine, the Roman priest who would help people marry.
In the Roman Empire, there were harsh restrictions on who could marry and who was allowed to be with who. This is very different from society today; in the modern world it is acceptable to be in a relationship with whoever you wish and visit a good steak place near me in Rouse Hill with them. But, in Ancient Rome, soldiers were forbidden to marry; this was based around the idea that married soldiers did not make good warriors.
One priest, Saint Valentine, would help these young men get married to the people they loved. In order to help soldiers recognise him, Saint Valentine wore a ring with the symbol of Cupid on it.
As a result of this legend, Saint Valentine became known as the patron saint of love.
Although Valentine’s Day is still a time to celebrate love and used to show the ones you love how much you appreciate them, it has evolved over the years. Different cultures, and even generations have unique ways of celebrating the special day.
Regardless of where you live, there is bound to be a wide variety of options and events scheduled on Valentines Day itself. However, it is important not to forget the classic date night; a romantic meal at a good steak place near me in Rouse Hill.
So, if you want to show your partner how much you appreciate them, give Osso steakhouse in Rouse Hill a call on 02 4720 55 to book a table for Valentines Day.