In recent years, there has been an incredible shift towards healthy eating and considering what we consume and the effect it will have on our bodies. There are numerous schools of thought in regards to what we should be eating and what we should avoid, but as a basic rule the aim is to eat unprocessed, high quality foods.
Meat is an Australian favourite, beef in particular is a staple for many people. However, it can be easy to get swept up in current food trends, leading to confusion about what is actually a healthy diet. Luckily, beef is amongst the foods that is good for you; in fact, red meat has many health benefits.
Keep reading to find out three health benefits of eating beef at a steakhouse in Penrith.
Iron is incredibly important for the body; it helps the red blood cells deliver oxygen to our cells. Essentially, iron is vital for the everyday functioning of our bodies. However, many Australian men and women suffer from an iron deficiency. Symptoms of an iron deficiency include extreme tiredness, weakness chest pain and headaches. Clearly suffering from this ailment is not ideal.
One of the major health benefits of visiting a steakhouse in Penrith is that beef is one of the best sources of iron! The iron in red meat, such as beef, is easily absorbed into the body making it a perfect meal for those who are at risk of suffering from a deficiency. Scientists have completed studies that conclude that people who eat beef, poultry and fish on a regular basis are less likely to develop an iron deficiency.
Although it is no secret that dining at a steakhouse in Penrith makes you smile, but what may surprise you is that is is also good for your smile! Basically eating beef is great for your teeth and your overall oral hygiene.
Interestingly, numerous dental and medical organisations, such as The American Dental Association encourage regular eating of red meat. Medical professionals have established that beef, and other forms of red meat, are high in phosphorous, which is essential for protecting tooth enamel and bone enamel.
It isn’t just the proteins and fats found in beef that make it great for your mouth, but also the fact that it requires lots of chewing before you swallow it. The texture of beef means that we have to work harder to eat it, which results in the production of more saliva. Creating more saliva in your mouth is really good for your overall oral health because it reduces acidity in the mouth and also helps to get rid of any lingering food.
Whenever you consider what you are putting in your body and the effect it may have, you will automatically think about if it is healthy for your physical self. However, scientists and medical experts believe that certain foods are good for mental and emotional wellbeing.
In a recent study, scientists found a correlation between red meat consumption and a lower percentage of mental health problems. One particularly poignant study focused on women diagnosed with depression and anxiety, the analysis as a whole encompassed 140 women. The results highlighted that the meat consumption of each woman was less than the Australian daily standard.
Basically, dining at a steak house in Penrith is not only going to make you happy in the short term, but it will do wonders for your overall emotional wellbeing.
Call our Penrith restaurant today on 0247205588 to make a booking to start taking advantage of all the health benefits of beef!